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Hessian Sacks Wheat Grain

Wheat is a living organism, where it continuously respires, Wheat is also one of the most sensitive grains. With the absence of good proper ventilation because air sometimes cannot pass through synthetically produced pp woven fabric the quality of the wheat grains cannot survive due to lack of good ventilation. This is why Hessian Sacks...

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PP Woven Sacks

Woven polypropylene (wpp) sacks are made from the best material which is UV resistant. These sacks are thus safe from premature weathering and sunlight as well. The facility we have can product these woven sacks many different uses and in many different dimensions. The can be used as sacks for rubble, waste, garden composting, charity clothing bags, shoe bags, sack races, storing, coal, wood and animal feed to name a few..

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